We understand that unanticipated events happen occasionally in everyone’s life. In our desire to be effective and fair to all of our clients, and out of consideration for the practitioner's time, we have adopted the following policies:

  • 24-hour cancellation policy. 24-hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. This allows the opportunity for someone else to schedule an appointment. If you are unable to give the practitioner a reasonable time of advance notice, and we are unable to fill your time slot, you may be charged the full amount. On the other hand, if we are able to fill your time slot with somebody else, you will not be charged for the missed appointment.
  • No show. If you forget to come to your appointment, or if you choose not to show up for your appointment without contacting the practitioner, you will be charged the full amount for the missed appointment. Future service will also be denied until payment is made.
  • Arriving late. Appointment times have been arranged specifically for you. We include 15-minute buffer time between clients to allow some wiggle room in the event of a delay. Depending upon how late you arrive, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. In addition, the practitioner will determine whether there is enough time remaining to start a session, or if there is a need to reschedule it. Regardless of the length of the session actually given, you will be responsible for the full session. We will do our best to satisfy the scheduled time.

Out of respect and consideration to the practitioner and other customers, please plan your visit accordingly.

Please arrive a few minutes early to allow time to park, and on your first visit, to get familiar with the location. Please park in the spaces marked "Guest Parking" or "Suite 7". The building offers a large parking lot, but, depending on the time of day, it might be hard to find a spot on the actual lot. Additional parking is available along Mariposa Street.

We look forward to seeing you.